Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you'll explore it and review my resumé to see the kind of quality work I can produce.
Currently, I write blog posts, business articles, case studies, newsletter content, emails, and marketing communications.
I previously penned news, feature, and business articles for various Microsoft constituencies, including consumers, IT professionals, business decision makers, and employees.
I began my career as a technical writer, documenting various hardware and software technologies. As an award-winning practitioner in this field I learned how to thoroughly research, understand, and write about high-tech subjects.
As you'll see in the Testimonials page, previous employers have relied on me to deliver high-quality copy that always met communication objectives and was delivered on time. Readers find my work to be informative, interesting, even inspirational.
I always keep the audience in mind by striving to produce thorough, accurate, and engaging reading.
I hope to have the opportunity to prove my value to you. I won't disappoint.
-- Aaron --
425-417-3558 (c)
425-558-4460 (h)